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How to Walk Your Dog During The Outbreak

coronavirus outbreak


It’s a difficult period for all around the world with the recent coronavirus epidemic, COVID-19. For our pet lovers around the world we wanted to talk about daily living with your dog and the current state of the environment. Going out of the house just isn’t feasible in some parts of the world right now. Aside from our own safety, we will need to consider the physical needs of our canine companions at home. Going for regular walks is essential, especially for larger dogs who need space to move around in. If you’re planning to take your dog out for a walk, extra attention needs to be given to hygiene and safety. Let’s take a look at a few simple yet effective methods to safely walk your dog during a viral outbreak.


woman wearing gray jacket beside white puppy dog


Can pets get infected?

The World Health Organization has stated, “While there has been one instance of a dog being infected in Hong Kong, to date, there is no evidence that a dog, cat or any pet can transmit COVID-19. COVID-19 is mainly spread through droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently and thoroughly.”

There is no evidence that cats and dogs can transmit coronavirus to humans, it’s recommended that pets also observe a period of social distancing just as humans. It’s a perfect time to stay home and bond with your pet.

If you want to walk your dog, in addition to wearing a mask yourself, be sure to clean your dogs or cats thoroughly after returning home. Observing high levels of hygiene will be the best method in preventing viral infection.

 Brown and black beagle dog walking on green grass


What do you need to prepare for your dog walking?


Walking your dog is simple, so long as you’re prepared. Take along a Dog leash, poop collection bag and some hand sanitizer for good measure. If your walking route is usually crowded, letting your dog wear a piece of weatherproof apparel or other clothing may protect most of their body from coming into contact with pathogens. Clothing can quickly be removed and put aside for disinfection upon returning home.  

woman walk a dog on the side of the road


How can I walk my dog safely during an epidemic?


Protect yourself and your pup, fasten your dog’s leash and double check that it is secure. Controlling the walking path is important and you should avoid letting your dog rummaging around trash cans and walking in tall grass. Keep moving to avoid letting your pup sniff the ground too much where suspect fluids may be lingering. Avoid walking routes that will be congested with people or other dogs to reduce probability of cross-infection.

 person washing his hand with running water


Once your dog has had an adequate walk and perhaps relived itself, promptly head home. Don’t forget to pick up after your dog and be sure to dispose of any unsanitary items safely. Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to avoid viral infection, use soap and take your time to thoroughly clean your hands. You might want to sing a song or two to pass the time!

 coronavirus outbreak hand washing technique with soap and water 

 Cleaning Your Dog After a Walk


With a highly infectious virus looming around our streets, keeping the home in a sanitary state is the top priority. Protect yourself, pets, family and especially those who are young or elderly through a strict cleaning protocol. Virus carried from the outdoors is a serious matter, prevention is the only course of action. We recommend bathing your dog in a pet friendly antibacterial shampoo, spending time to wash all areas. Your dog(s) should not be allowed to roam around the house upon returning from a walk, it’s a straight pathway to the washroom for cleaning.  

Don’t forget to clean your dog’s leash, muzzle and other dog walking accessories you may have taken out with you. A sufficient cleaning fluid, commonly alcohol-based should be used to disinfect these items, allow them to dry in a well-ventilated area and store for future use.

It might be a little hard to get into those little corners of our pets paws, for those hard to reach place you should sterilize your dog’s paw. DIY homemade sterile gauze can be made using alcohol. Alcohol evaporates in minutes; however, we don’t recommend use of alcohol to carry out sterilizing, some substances may be toxic and this approach should only be taken under guidance from your vet. Woof! 

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